Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Meyer and McGuire: News and Music Schedule


Hope all of you are doing well! Here’s what I have for you this month.

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to my Songwriter’s Notes, Lyrics, and Music.

Our last open mic on April 12 at Brew and Brats at Arbor Hill, an eatery and entertainment center behind the Arbor Hill Winery & Grapery was another great time! We are going to do it again this month on May 10, and the time and address for this event can be found on our music schedule listed at the end of this post. Last month we had some outstanding performances given by Jim Gleason, Steve Garfield, Meredith, Ryan, and the amazing Joe Preston. Although the players were very good, the highlight of the evening for Siobhan and me was the impromptu jam session that occurred after the open mic was over. About ten women from Buffalo showed up after Brew and Brats was officially closed. They were on a “girls’ gone wild weekend,” and they were unfamiliar with the hours at Brew and Brats. Although everything was packed up, I took out my guitar. Jim Gleason unpacked his banjo, and Joe Preston grabbed his harmonicas. Sitting in the bar with no sound system, we played a set of music that was simply magic. It was one of those moments that transcended time, a place I have been with music on so many many occasions. In May, Siobhan and I will be there again to run the sound. Of course, we will fill in the down-time with our music, but we hope to see many of you show up with your guitars, banjos, mandolins, fiddles, harmonicas, etc. We really enjoy doing what we can to get others out there to play their music! You can perform as a solo, and if you want some backup, we’ll find it for you. If you are not a player, come out and enjoy the food, beverages, and entertainment! Hope to see you there!

As always, thanks for supporting original music! Scott Regan and Perry Cleaveland put on an awesome show at the “Singer/Songwriters in the Side Room” concert in April. Siobhan will have a video of one of Scott’s songs from that show ready for my next update in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I just want to give you a little introduction to Connie Deming, the songwriter who will be performing at the next concert at Buffalo Bill’s on May 15. Connie graciously agreed to fill in for John Dady, the songwriter originally scheduled for this show. John’s show has been rescheduled for November 20. Siobhan and I have followed Connie’s music career from somewhat of a distance over the years, first seeing her at McGinnity’s way back in the 1970s. She has played in many places, and most recently, you will find her at the Little Theater Café in Rochester on Saturday nights. Connie did a show for us back in March of 2013, and it was simply outstanding. With her acoustic guitar, awesome voice, and powerful, thought-provoking lyrics she captivated her audience for two hours. Her heart-warming stories, injected with just the right amount of humor, put her listeners at ease, and it felt like you were sitting with a friend in your living room. I’ll have more details about Connie as we get closer to the show, but if you have the time, check out this video of Connie doing one of her original songs at Buffalo Bill’s in March of 2013.

”Across the Table”
Now, if you want to know more about Connie and her interesting, creative endeavors, here is a link to her web site. Hope you can join us for the show!

Well, have to go for now. Below is a list of our dates for May. Hope to catch you at a show! Take care!

All the best,
Siobhan and Frank

Meyer and McGuire Web Site

Fri., May 2: Rylie J’s, 38 Seneca Street, Geneva, NY, 6 PM to 9 PM, (315) 759-6050

Sat., May 3: Sheridan’s Pub, 1551 Mt. Hope Ave. Rochester, NY, 7 PM to 10 PM, (585) 271-7777

Sat., May 10: Brew and Brats at Arbor Hill, 6461 Route 64, Naples, NY, 6 PM to 9 PM, (585) 374-2870 (Meyer and McGuire host the open mic, bring your guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, harmonica, voice, etc.)
Thu., May 15: Singer/Songwriters in the Side Room (a concert series), Presents Connie Deming in the side room of Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom, 19 Main Street, Shortsville, NY, 7 PM to 9 PM, (585) 289-4104 (no cover charge, but donations for performer gratefully accepted) (event produced by Meyer and McGuire, 585-394-8929)
Sat., May 17: Rio Tomatlán, 5 Beeman Street, Cdga., NY, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (585) 394-9380

Sat., May 24: Private Party: If you are interested in having us play for your private party, call us at (585) 394-8929 or email us at
Thu., May 29: Tap and Stone, Winged Pheasant Golf Course, 1475 Sand Hill Road, Farmington, NY, 7 PM to…, (585) 289-8846 (With Guest Perry Cleaveland on mandolin and fiddle)

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