Sunday, February 25, 2018


It’s time for Sunday reflection! Today, I am just thinking about how grateful Siobhan and I are to be able to use music to bring people together to show them a good time for a brief moment in their lives. Whether we are hosting our songwriter’s series or out playing a show, the challenge to bring joy to folks for a few fleeting moments is always there, and we thrive on it. As with most endeavors, we are not always successful, but when we are, it fuels the fire for us to get even better at what we do. Well, last night at Braddock Bay Tavern and Grill, our side man, Perry Cleaveland was on fire with his Mandolins and fiddle, especially the fiddle. Folks were tapping their toes, clapping their hands, singing, dancing, and just about on the verge of taking their clothes off, a goal we always strive for. The audience response gave us the fuel to create a blaze of fire, and oh what a night it was! Don’t know when we’ll get back to a moment like last night, but we have been there before, and I know we’ll be back there again sometime. From Siobhan and me, a big thanks to Perry Cleaveland for delivering a grand slam with his instruments and harmony. Thanks to Carol Richardson, David, and the rest of the staff at Braddock Bay for always being so welcoming and accommodating. Thanks to those who came to Braddock Bay and gave us the fuel to deliver an unbelievable amount of fun for all. Finally, a big “shout out” to John Dady for giving Siobhan some tips to make our sound board work more effectively. The sound was great, Doc! Thanks for supporting our shows and listening to us online! Have a great week and do what you can do to bring a little joy into someone’s life!

Friday, February 23, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Thursday, 3/1, Brian Ayers and Mike Nelson will be our guests in the Side room at Buffalo Bill’s. Brian and Mike were members of the renowned Blue Jimmy, and awesome Americana band who influenced the greater Rochester area music scene for well over twenty-five years. Brian and Mike are still going strong. Take a look at the videos listed below, and you’ll get a feel for their music!
”The Sweetest Thing in Life”
”Planes and Towers”
”Got Some Heart”
”Daddy, Hold Me Please”
”Road Trip”

Want to know more about Brian? Check him out right here.
Brian Ayers Music

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the night of the donation. The CDs have gotten good reviews, and we hope they get passed around to let others know about the great talent we have appearing at this venue.

The concerts take place on the first and third Thursdays of every month in the side room of Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom, 19 Main Street, Shortsville, NY. The show runs from 7 to 9 PM. To learn more about Buffalo Bill’s, check out their site right here:
Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have at each show. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Connie Deming, March 15
Warren Paul, April 5
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 19
Scott Regan, May 3
Jeff Riales, Mike Wittek, and Dana Fine, May 17
The Healing Committee (Alan Whitney, Kathryn Koch, and Tim Pitcher), June 7
Ben and Rita Proctor (members of Crooked North), June 21
Joe Rickard (AKA Joemama), July 5
The Michael Yacci Trio (Mike Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), July 19
Steve Piper, August 2
The Brothers Blue, August 16
Paulsen and Baker with Tim Chaapel, September 6
The Cadleys with Perry Cleaveland and John Dancks, September 20
Jack Jones, Kendall Paul Wilt, and Fran Cary (Stid Hill Stompers), October 4
Tom Whitmore of Watkins and the Rapiers, October 18
Benjo (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 1
John Dady, November 15
Kerry Regan of Watkins and the Rapiers, December 6
Whorlwood (Michael George, Perry Cleaveland, and Doug Henrie), December 20
Brian Burley and Big Blue House, January 17
Da Vines (Fred and Alex Vine), February 7
The Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland, and Doug Henrie), February 21

Monday, February 19, 2018


Didn’t have any time for Sunday reflection yesterday! I was having too much fun up on Stid Hill with Jack Jones, Pam Lazio, Fran Cary and his wife, Beth, and Siobhan! Prior to yesterday, Siobhan and I had two great days of music, and I would like to share a few “shout outs!” On Friday, we played the Guinness Toast Party at Buffalo Bill’s, and we had a blast. Thanks to Perry Cleaveland for once again taking us to that higher level with his mandolins, fiddle, and harmony, and thanks to Bill and robin Mallwitz, Kim Parmarter, and Diana Palmer for helping us create a fun evening for everyone. Finally thanks to all of you who were there to partake in the fun. (There are still a few Guinness t-shirts and glasses left.) Saturday, we played our monthly show at Rio Tomatlan, and we had another great time. Thanks to Raf, Brittany, Cindy, Theresa, and the rest of the staff for once again being so accommodating. Finally, thanks to all who showed up to Rio for another festive evening. It’s always a blast playing our tunes there. One last thank you is to all you long-distance friends who are listening to our music on the internet. We really appreciate everyone’s support, whether it is at our shows or online. Hope you all have a great week!

Sunday, February 11, 2018


It’s time for Sunday Reflection! They say, “A picture says a thousand words.” Well, if you saw my pictures, you’d know why I give you a thousand words.
Sometimes the stars align, and everything falls into place. It happened for Nick Foles last Sunday, and it happened for us this week with our music. At the Timber Creek this past Thursday, from the first note to the last, Siobhan and I were in a groove. The sound was just right, and it gave us the energy to play better and better as we moved from song to song. Before we knew it, the evening just slipped away. . Now, since the Timber Creek is a happy hour gig, the patrons tend to listen with one ear. This bothers many musicians, but not Siobhan and me. The Timber Creek patrons always express their appreciation with a thumbs-up, smile, nod, or a nice comment between songs or while we are on break. These expressions pervaded the evening, and we thank them for being so supportive. A huge “shout out” to Susie, Jill, and Hillbilly for being so accommodating
The alignment of the stars continued on Saturday when we set up for the open mic at Brew and Brats. Our main go-to side man, Perry Cleaveland, unexpectedly walked through the door. He’d been rehearsing with Doug Henrie and Maria Gillard for their show at Buffalo Bill’s this Thursday, 2/15 (Be there!). We asked him to get out his mandolins and fiddle, and we opened the evening with a great set. From that point, the evening just got better and better. You never know what is going to happen at an open mic, but this Saturday, since the stars were with us, we got very lucky with some great players. A big “shout out” to the following: Perry Cleaveland, Too Young to Be Old (husband and wife duo), Jack Jones, Jimmy Gleason, Eric and Brandon, Tim Rybinski, Jason, and Tom MacAllister! A big “shout out” to the patrons at Brew and Brats for being there and showing their appreciation to all the players! Finally, a big “shout out” to Katie and John Brahm, John and Sherry French, Angela MacAllister, Alex, Edgar Brown, and the rest of the staff at Brew and Brats for being so accommodating!
As we all know, more often than not, the stars do not align. So, when they do, savor the moment, and go with it! Thanks for supporting our music and have a great week!

Friday, February 9, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Thursday, 2/15, The Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland, and Doug Henrie) will be our guest in the Side room at Buffalo Bill’s. This trio has opened this songwriting series ever since its beginning in February of 2012, and now they will open Season7. An absolutely terrific group of performers! Take a look at the videos listed below, and you’ll get a feel for their music!
”Steady Woman”
”You’ll Thank Me Later”
”Call on Me”
”Wish I could Find You”
”Queen of the Highway”

Want to know more about Maria Gillard? Check her out right here.
Maria’s Web Site

Want to know more about Perry Cleaveland?
Perry’s Web Site

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the night of the donation. The CDs have gotten good reviews, and we hope they get passed around to let others know about the great talent we have appearing at this venue.

The concerts take place on the first and third Thursdays of every month in the side room of Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom, 19 Main Street, Shortsville, NY. The show runs from 7 to 9 PM. To learn more about Buffalo Bill’s, check out their site right here:
Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have at each show. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Brian Ayers and Mike Nelson, March 1
Connie Deming, March 15
Warren Paul, April 5
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 19
Scott Regan, May 3
Jeff Riales, Mike Wittek, and Dana Fine, May 17
The Healing Committee (Alan Whitney, Kathryn Koch, and Tim Pitcher), June 7
Ben and Rita Proctor (members of Crooked North), June 21
Joe Rickard (AKA Joemama), July 5
The Michael Yacci Trio (Mike Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), July 19
Steve Piper, August 2
The Brothers Blue, August 16
Paulsen and Baker with Tim Chaapel, September 6
The Cadleys with Perry Cleaveland and John Dancks, September 20
Jack Jones, Kendall Paul Wilt, and Fran Cary (Stid Hill Stompers), October 4
Tom Whitmore of Watkins and the Rapiers, October 18
Benjo (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 1
John Dady, November 15
Kerry Regan of Watkins and the Rapiers, December 6
Whorlwood (Michael George, Perry Cleaveland, and Doug Henrie), December 20
Brian Burley and Big Blue House, January 17
Da Vines (Fred and Alex Vine), February 7

Sunday, February 4, 2018


It’s time for Sunday reflection! For those who are wondering, I did not see my shadow this past Friday; so, spring is just around the corner. Regarding music for this week, my musings about being grateful to be involved in it took me in a little different direction. Siobhan and I do not have any children, but over the years our children have become all the young owners, bartenders, servers, and musicians we have encountered on our journey. As a matter of fact, we are such fossils now, many of these young owners, bartenders, servers, and musicians have their own children, moving us into a spot of being somewhat like grandparents. This past Friday, as always, we had a blast playing our tunes for our monthly happy hour show at Rylie J’s. When we were done, we had the opportunity to have a nightcap with the bartenders, Amanda and Jeff. These two entertained us with great stories about what was going on for them in their lives, and we thoroughly enjoyed listening to them. We want to thank them, Amy and Pat McGhan for making us part of the Rylie J’s family, and all of you who stopped by for “Geneva Night Out.” On Saturday, we went to see the Brothers Blue put on a fantastic show at Ploughshares, a terrific venue developed by Brian and Kate Burley. Ben Haravitch, Matthew Spurber, and Charlie Coughlin, Members of The Brothers Blue, are fine young musicians who have taken the baton from us old guys, and they are keeping the folk, country, bluegrass, and old timey traditions alive. Joe Dady turned us on to The Brothers Blue, and we hope they continue to be part of our concert series, Singer/songwriters in the Side Room, for a long time. Much thanks to The Brothers Blue for an outstanding show, to Brian and Kate Burley for creating such a wonderful venue for the community to enjoy, and to many friends who were at The Brothers Blue show and gave me the chance to catch up on the news with them. So, what does all this rambling mean? As the sand moves through the hour glass more quickly each day, I am still excited about writing , recording, playing, and promoting music, but I am even more excited about the up and coming generations who will keep it all going with their own creations. To those of you who despair about where the world is headed, I encourage you to get out there and connect with younger people as much as you can. They’re alive, well, and doing a great job! As always, thanks for supporting our music, and if you are into football, enjoy the game!