Wednesday, July 2, 2014



Hope all of you are doing well! Here’s what I have for you this month.

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to my Songwriter’s Notes, Lyrics, and Music.

Our last open mic on May 10 at Brew and Brats at Arbor Hill, an eatery and entertainment center behind the Arbor Hill Winery & Grapery was another great time! We are going to do it again on July 18. Details for this open mic are at the end of this post. In June, we did a regular show at Brew and Brats with our good friend Perry Cleaveland, a great mandolin and fiddle player. The weather was beautiful, the music was grand, and the evening was a magical one. The best part for me was catching up with so many old friends. So, whether we are running an open mic or playing a regular show, Brew and Brats is always a good time! Siobhan and I will be there on July 18 to get the show started. If you sing or play an instrument, come on out and be part of the show. If you just want to come and listen, that’s OK too. Either way, you’ll have a blast!

As always, thanks for supporting original music! Bonnie Abrams and Allen Hopkins put on an awesome show at the “Singer/Songwriters in the Side Room” concert in June. Siobhan will have a video of one of Bonnie’s songs from that show ready for my next update in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I just want to give you a little introduction to Jed Curran, the songwriter who will be performing at the next concert at Buffalo Bill’s on July 17. Jed will be accompanied by the legendary Steve Piper, a terrific guitar player with a sense of humor second to none. Here is a little quote from Jed regarding his songwriting, “I write to heal myself, fuel my personal growth and connect with my fellow man. I love to find song and poetry concealed in the mundane everyday experiences.” Here is a video of Jed doing “My Name Is Peter Biss,” at his show in the “Side Room” at Buffalo Bill’s in December of 2012.

To learn more about Jed, click here.
To learn more about Steve, click here. Hope you can join us for the show!

For those of you who follow us at Rio Tomatlan, we’d like to give you an update. Rio sustained a fire in late May. The restaurant suffered a great deal of damage, and Rio will be reopening at its new location in Canandaigua at 106 Bemix Street, the previous site of the Lumber Yard. Before Rio reopens, however, the old Lumber Yard will need some major renovation, and the new Rio will most likely not open until this fall. On Sunday, August 10, Bill and Robin Mallwitz, the owners of Buffalo Bill’s in Shortsville, will hold a benefit to help their good friends at Rio. Siobhan and I will be supplying the music for this event. Stay tuned for more details in my post in late July or early August.

Well, have to go for now. Below is a list of our dates for July. Hope to catch you at a show! Take care!

All the best,
Siobhan and Frank

Meyer and McGuire Web Site

Fri., Jul. 4: Eddie O’Brien’s Grille and Bar, 5975 Route 96, Farmington, NY, 9 PM to 12 AM, (585) 924-8858

Sat., Jul. 5: Private Party: If you are interested in having us play for your private party, call us at (585) 394-8929 or email us at
Fri., Jul. 11: Jose and Willy’s, 20 Lakeshore Drive, Canandaigua, NY, 5 PM to 8 PM, (585)905-0017

Sat., Jul. 12: Warfield’s Restaurant, Lounge, and Bakery, 7 W. Main Street, Clifton Springs, NY, 6 PM to 9 PM, (315) 462-7184

Thu., Jul 17: Singer/Songwriters in the Side Room (a concert series), Presents Jed Curran in the side room of Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom, 19 Main Street, Shortsville, NY, 7 PM to 9 PM, (585) 289-4104 (no cover charge, but donations for performer gratefully accepted) (event produced by Meyer and McGuire, 585-394-8929)
Fri., Jul. 18: Brew and Brats at Arbor Hill, 6461 Route 64, Naples, NY, 6 PM to 9 PM, (585) 374-2870 (Meyer and McGuire host the open mic, bring your guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, harmonica, voice, etc.)
Sat., Jul. 19: Warfield’s Restaurant, Lounge, and Bakery, 7 W. Main Street, Clifton Springs, NY, 6 PM to 9 PM, (315) 462-7184

Fri., Jul. 25: Heron Hill Tasting Room at Bristol, 5323 Seneca Point Rd. Canandaigua, NY, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM, (585) 394-0173

Sat., Jul. 26: Java Mama Coffee House, 7 Honeoye Commons, Honeoye, NY, 7 PM to 10 PM, (585) 229-7266 (Concert for Anniversary of Java Mama!!) (Sharing the concert with Maria Gillard)

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