Friday, October 10, 2014



This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to my Songwriter’s Notes, Lyrics, and Music.

On Thursday, 10/16, Rick Hoyt will be our performer in the “Side room” at Buffalo Bill’s. He will be accompanied by two members of the Rick Hoyt Quintet, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henry. Rick delivers his lyrics in a style that may best be described as a rocking jump jazz blues mixed with some boogie-woogie ragtime swing. Rick’s guitar playing is second to none, and when he gets together with Perry Cleaveland (mandolin and fiddle) and Doug Henry (standup bass), it’s an explosion of great high energy music. Perry and Doug, who are well-known in the bluegrass arena, seem to adapt to Rick’s original material with ease.

In Rick’s first show in the “Side Room,” almost two years ago, he had Tom McClure and Oscar Yuan accompanying him. To give you a feel of Rick’s style and the energy his music generates, here is a video from that Performance. "I Can’t Be Any Better Than I Am," one of Rick’s songs, serves as an excellent example of what to expect if you come to this concert. Hope you can join us for this show

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created two CDs, one for each of our two seasons. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the night of the donation. The CDs have gotten good reviews, and we hope they get passed around to let others know about the great talent we have appearing at this venue.

The concerts take place on the first and third Thursdays of each month in the side room of Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom (19 Main Street, Shortsville, NY). The show runs from 7 to 9 PM. To learn more about Buffalo Bill’s, check out their site right here:
Buffalo Bill’s Family Restaurant and Taproom

Tom Whitmore was our guest on October 2. To give you a feel of the setting of these concerts, here is a video of Tom doing one of his songs, "The Truth."

If you would like to see videos of the other performers who have taken the stage at “Singer/Songwriters in the Side Room” concerts, check out this link:
Videos of Performers in the Side Room

Hope you can join us on Oct. 16!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

The Cadleys, Nov. 6
John Dady, Nov. 20
Kerry Regan of Watkins and the Rapiers, Dec. 4
Eva and the Dog Boys, Dec. 18
Jeff Riales, Jan. 15
The Maria Gillard Trio, Feb. 19
Leslie Lee and Steve Gretz, Mar. 5
Brian Ayers, Mar. 19
Stid Hill Stompers (Jack Jones, Kendall Paul Wilt, and Fran Cary), Apr. 2
Lisa Bigwood, Apr. 16
Scott Regan, May 7
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, May 21

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