Monday, October 23, 2017


Hey Folks,

As always, hope everyone is doing well. Been studying music streaming and have learned it is rapidly becoming the most popular way people listen to music. To save you a little time, if you can’t answer yes to the following questions, do not continue reading this post.

Do you enjoy listening to music when you are working on your computer, cleaning your house, exercising, entertaining friends, driving in your car, etc.?
Do you or would you like to have this music streamed right from your computer or mobile device?
Would you like to have total control of your music playlist? (For those who do not know what a playlist is, it’s simply the list of songs you choose to listen to.)
Would you like to be able to create this playlist for free?

If you answered yes, let’s continue. Below is a link to our first playlist for the songwriters who have appeared at our concert series. If you are already a spotify member who stays signed in, you should arrive right on the playlist. Hit play and you should be good to go. If you are not a member, you can sign up easily for free by providing a user name and a password. Here’s the link
Songwriting Sages from Syracuse to South Buffalo

The playlist contains twenty original songs, nineteen from the songwriters who have done shows at our concert series and one of Meyer and McGuire’s.

Now, the fun begins. I do not expect you to like all these songs. From the list, I want you to select the songs you like and move them to “Your Music.” Then, if you want, you can create your own playlist of songs that appeal to you.

Next, I’d appreciate it if you would share this playlist with all your friends and encourage them to select the songs they like. After they select the songs they like, they should share the list with their friends.

Through its algorithms, Spotify looks to see how much a song is being moved to new playlist and how much a song is being played by new listeners. If it sees a song becoming popular on a lower level, it might place it on one of its “editorial playlists.” If a song reaches this level, there’s a good chance it can easily get up to a million streams worldwide. If this happens, it can mean big money for the artist.

Ok, in reality, we are dealing with something you might call a “musical lottery,” but nothing ventured, nothing gained. The worst case scenario is we get to listen to some great songwriters who hail from Syracuse to South Buffalo, and that ain’t bad!

So, remember some key points. Follow the artists you like; save their songs to “Your Music”; share the playlist with your friends. Thanks!

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