Sunday, December 30, 2018


Well, 2018 is just about in the books. In reflecting, as I grow older, the world keeps getting colder, and the lows and highs seem just about the same. The lows have no deep drops, the highs never reach the top, and I wonder if I should still be in the game. But I keep getting out of bed and moving on ahead, because there’s still a flickering in me to do what I can do to make a difference. Right now, it’s writing songs, playing songs with Siobhan, my favorite person on the planet, creating concerts for songwriters, encouraging musicians at open mics, supporting the shows of my musician friends, and simply being with all the wonderful people I meet at the venues where we play. This past week’s events only reinforced why I am grateful there’s still a flickering in me to keep doing what I am doing.
On Thursday, Siobhan and I hosted an open mic at The Lobby, a great pizza shop and new venue for musicians in Canandaigua. Open mics serve as a great venue for discovering new musicians and new music. They give the up-and-coming musician the chance to develop confidence in front of an audience, and they give the well-seasoned musician the opportunity to test out new material. This is exactly what happened last Thursday, and I loved sitting back and watching it all unfold. Big thanks to the following players for their contributions: Caitlin Aisling, Peter Taft, and Michael Gonzalez! Big thanks to Brian for creating this venue, Jon Willis for asking us to host it, and Andrea and Austin for always being so helpful and welcoming! Finally, big thanks to all who were there to support and enjoy the musicians! It was an absolute pleasure being with you!
We drove out to Hall on Saturday to play a breakfast/lunch show at the New Hall Diner, and it was simply splendid. While Tamarie was on fire cranking out her delicious food back in the kitchen, Amy hustled around out front delivering it and attending to other needs of the patrons. As we sat there playing our tunes, chatting with the patrons, and listening to the hum of conversation in the room, my soul, once again, reminded me this is where I need to be, enhancing the lives of people with music. So, big thanks to Tamarie for bringing us to her diner! Big thanks to Amy for always being so nice and attentive! Big thanks to all of you who were at the diner! It was an absolute pleasure playing our songs and catching up on the news with you!
Tomorrow, New Year’s Eve, Siobhan and I will drive through the beautiful farm country that lies in the midst of Canandaigua, Seneca, and Keuka Lakes. Our destination will be the American Legion Hall in Penn yan, where we will play for a great group of people who have served and still serve in the military. Before we get to Penn Yan, however, as we wind along the back roads of Ontario and Yates Counties, I will let my imagination go and create images of the well-kept farms of the Mennonites who dominate this area. I will daydream about the simplicity that emanates from this group, and will tell myself to keep refining my own simple approach to life. Is this a New Year’s Resolution? Not really. Simplicity has been a way of life for me for quite some time. It brings me an unbelievable inner peace, and I highly recommend it.
Still reading? If so, thanks for being in our lives, and we wish all of you a very happy and healthy 2019!

Monday, December 17, 2018


One of the highlights of my week was unexpectedly running into Eric Cosman, one of my great friends from the teaching chapter of my life. For all you CA graduates and former colleagues, he’s still the same old “Cos,” excited and enthusiastic about life as ever. For those of you who did not know him, he was one of the finest science teachers in the area, and a person you would definitely want your kid to experience. As we stood talking on Main Street in Canandaigua, time just disappeared. It was like yesterday, and although the topics were different, the same energy flowed as we moved from one idea to the other. We once talked about kids and teaching strategies, and now we talked about our new chapters. For him, much of it was still nature, and for me, of course, it was music. When we parted, I was totally uplifted as I always was when we chatted. Our visit got me to thinking about the myriads of people who have had and still have the same impact on me as “Cos.” They have simply made this trip I am on a beautiful one. Most of them I meet now are connected to music, and here’s a little review of how I was uplifted by them this past week.
On Thursday, Siobhan and I played our monthly show at The Timber Creek. When possible, Siobhan and I like to establish a relationship with the venues where we play. For us the music is merely a vehicle to connect with people, and this has been happening at Timber Creek because Susie, the owner, lets us jam there once a month. This month-to-month connection has given us the opportunity to develop friendships with the patrons, and that is just what has been happening. This past Thursday, we celebrated Al Brown’s birthday, and it was a great pleasure meeting Al’s family and friends. Tom Clark and Bill Ridley, two old friends and patrons of the bar, introduced us to their friends, and it was an absolute pleasure meeting them too. So, thanks to Susie for helping us create this fun evening, thanks to Jill and Hillbilly for always being so welcoming, and thanks to all you folks who keep coming out to The Timber Creek to support our music!
Saturday at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua was somewhat of a ditto of Thursday. Like The Timber Creek, we have a month-to-month connection with the patrons, bartenders, and servers, and we just love being with everyone. We had a blast this Saturday playing our tunes and interacting with the patrons at the bar and those who stopped by to chat between songs. Thanks to everyone who came out!
On Sunday, we were back at Rio Tomatlan to host our concert series for songwriters. Our featured guest was Michael Gonzalez, and he brought his group, Whirlwood (Perry Cleaveland and Douglas Henrie) to back him up. Michael’s presentation was beyond phenomenal. His comfortable interaction with the audience, sensitive delivery of thought-provoking, insightful, and uplifting lyrics, intricate development of arrangements, and diverse use of musical styles were simply beautiful. Perry Cleaveland, (mandolin and fiddle) and Douglas Henrie (upright bass) were right on the money in enhancing Michael’s music. You lovers of jazz and blues missed a great show. Big thanks to Michael, Perry, and Doug for one outstanding show! Big thanks to Raf, Erin, Brittany, Trevor, Julie, Amy, Sadie, Ryan, and the rest of the staff at Rio for all the help they gave us Saturday and Sunday! Big thanks to Scott Regan for promoting our shows on WRUR's "Open Tunings!" Big thanks to all of you who came out on Saturday and Sunday, especially Maryann Fennelly, a friend who recently experienced a serious health issue. It was so uplifting to see Maryann in the audience on Sunday afternoon!
Still reading? If so, thanks for being in our lives and hope you have a great holiday season!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 12/16, The Michael Gonzalez Trio (Michael Gonzalez, Perry Cleaveland, and Douglas Henrie) will be our guests in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen this terrific trio, you are in for some great original music delivered in a blues/jazz style. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
"Follow Me"
"Feel the Spirit"
"Someday Blues"
"New Shade Blues"
"Mad, Mad World"
"Lovin' Machine"
"Ballard Ballad"
Want to know more about Michael? Check him out right here.
Michael George Music

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan and the Side Room at Buffalo Bill's. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have at these shows. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Dan Lopata), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady, July 7
Whirlwood (Michael Gonzalez, Perry Cleaveland, and Douglas Henrie, July 21
Eva and the Dog Boys, August 4
The Cadleys with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks, August 18
The Healing Committee, September 1
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, September 15
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 6
The Michael Yacci Trio, October 20
Max Flansburg and Richie Colf (of Dirty Blanket, November 3
The Dady Brothers, November 17
Kerry Regan of Watkins and the Rapiers, December 1

Sunday, December 9, 2018


Earlier today, Siobhan and I took a ride to Hall, NY, and stopped at the New Hall Diner to luxuriate in one of Tamarie’s many outstanding delicious breakfasts. The New Hall Diner brings you back to a time when life was simpler, a place we should try to reach sometimes. If you go there, leave your cell phone or tablet in the car; those messages aren’t going anywhere. As I sat enjoying a tasty omelet composed of ingredients that came from all the local farms, I listened to the soothing hum of conversations pervading the room and the oldies from one of the local AM radio stations. The total peace I felt was only enhanced by the satisfaction I experienced from the shows Siobhan and I played the previous two nights.
Rylie J’s, a place which has been home for Siobhan and me on the first Friday of every month for about eight or nine years now, was, as always, buzzing with the chatter of the regulars. Like most happy hours, Rylie J’s is no different when it comes to having your music affirmed. Occasional applause, several thumbs up, and a few smiles and nods sum up the acceptance of your efforts. So, thanks to all you regulars who show up religiously every month to support our music! Thanks to Perry Cleaveland, one of our favorite sidemen, for lighting up our show with his mandolins, fiddle, and harmony! Thanks to Pat and Amy McGhan, the owners, for their continuous support of our music, and thanks to Roachie, one of the most supportive bartenders I have ever met!
One of the best skills I have learned in life is how to monitor and adjust. Most of what I do is planned, but like the quarterback who calls an audible at the line, I am ready to change my plan when the situation calls for it. This happened for us at Jack Quinn’s Irish Pub last night. We started playing our show, and I noticed we had a lot of talent in the audience. So, throughout the evening, we invited some folks to join us or to play a few tunes. It turned into a real party, and we had a blast! Thanks to Margie Hastings, Ray McHargue, Sharon McHargue, and Charlie for adding some great sounds to our evening and turning the night into some “good silly fun!” Thanks to everyone who was there to share in the fun with us and thanks to Dan and Janet for having us play.
Still reading? If so, Thanks for being in our lives, have a great holiday season, and be ready to monitor and adjust! It’s an important strategy to employ during this season of both great joy and stress!

Monday, December 3, 2018


As I sit here on our back porch listening to the YouTube channel Siobhan created for the songwriters who have appeared in our concert series, I once again realize how lucky I am to have found a partner who enjoys using her creative skills to develop our music business. Regarding our shows, she works hard to get the sound just right, adds just the right touch to our songs with her acoustic bass, designs posters, and spends endless hours mixing down our recordings. It doesn’t end there. In our concert series, she creates videos of our performers, develops compilation CDs of our songwriters in order to raise money for them, and works patiently with the performers to get their sound just right. She is the person behind the scene making it all happen! So, thank you, Siobhan! Here was the scene for us this past weekend.
Saturday, we rolled into Brew and Brats to host the weekly open mic there, and as always, it was a hoot. Thanks to the following participants for contributing to a fun evening: Chris Mahan, Tim Rybinski, Ed Loesch, John French, and Tom Macallister. It was a real blast singing and jamming with all of you in the second set. Thanks to John and Katie Brahm and John and Sherry French for creating such a great venue for people to gather, and thanks for including us in the Brew and Brats Family. Finally, thanks to all of you who stopped by to partake in the fun. The highlight of the evening for me was hearing the chant, “Ed, ED, Ed, Ed!” Often people just need a little nudge to play a few songs, and the chant worked! We loved having Ed on stage with us because we love Ed, and getting people to take a chance with music is the real purpose of open mics!
Sunday, we hosted our concert series for songwriters in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan. Kerry Regan of Watkins and the Rapiers was our guest, and he came through once again with another fresh new set of songs. The lyrics were vintage Regan, employing just the right dose of irony, one of Kerry’s best writing talents. The songs covered a variety of topics, personal, political, and seasonal. His song, “Even on Christmas Day He Wore Black,” a tribute to Johnny Cash, really touched me. I heard him do it many times with his band, but his acoustic version was simply beautiful. Thanks to Kerry for another great show. Thanks to Raf, Erin, Chris, Trevor, Brittany, Julie, Amy, Sadie, and the rest of the staff at Rio for all the help you give us to create these concerts. Thanks to Scott Regan of WRUR’s “Open Tunings” for promoting our concerts on his show. Finally, thanks to all of you who came to Kerry’s show. You have no idea how much we really appreciate your support!
Still reading? If so, thanks for being in our lives and have a great holiday season!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 12/2, Kerry Regan of Watkins and the Rapiers will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen Kerry, you are in for some great original music with just the right touch of irony. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
"Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle"
"Farmers' Market Band"
"Pledge Drive"
”Big Man”
”My Mother Never Learned to Drive”
”In the Finger Lakes”
”I Don’t Believe in Santa Clause”
”The War on Christmas Is Over”

Want to know more about Kerry? Check him out right here.
Watkins and the Rapiers Web Site

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan and the Side Room at Buffalo Bill's. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have at these shows. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Dan Lopata), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16
Eva and the Dog Boys, August 4
The Cadleys with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks, August 18
The Healing Committee, September 1
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, September 15
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 6
The Michael Yacci Trio, October 20
Max Flansburg and Richie Colf (of Dirty Blanket, November 3
The Dady Brothers, November 17

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Just got back from a quiet, peaceful walk around Canandaigua with Siobhan by my side! We have done this a countless number of times, and if I may borrow from Steve Piper, one of my songwriting buddies, “It never gets old.” While we were walking, I daydreamed when we were not engaged in conversation, and the word new kept entering my mind. I am grateful for the many new experiences that occurred for us over the past couple of weeks, and I am excited about them because they keep life fresh and interesting. In addition to connecting with some great young musicians who are interested in participating in our concert series for songwriters at Rio Tomatlan, we played two new venues and had a blast at both of them.
On Friday, we had our debut at The Honeoye Boat House Grill. Big thanks to Greg, the owner, for inviting us to play, and big thanks to Warren Paul for introducing us to Greg! Jay Sharman, one of our drummer friends, stopped by after getting out of the salt mines, and sat in with us for the second set with his cajon. Great job, Jay! Big thanks to all of our old friends who came out to support us in this new endeavor! Finally, big thanks to Nicole, the rest of the staff, and the regulars at The Boat House for being so friendly and welcoming! You made us feel right at home!
Saturday brought more of the same with our debut at The Lobby in Canandaigua. Big thanks to Jon Willis for inviting us to play! Big thanks to Brian, the owner, and Andrea an Austin for being so friendly and welcoming! Big thanks to our old friends who stopped by to support us in this new place and big thanks to the new friends we met!
Both Friday and Saturday evenings were great. Will they lead to other great evenings at these places? I don’t know. What I do know is this. If it’s meant to happen, it will. If it is not, there will always be some exciting new experience waiting to happen just around the bend.
Still reading? If so, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, November 19, 2018


With Thanksgiving just a few days away, there are so many things for which I am thankful. Music, of course, is just about at the top of my gratitude list. For nearly fifty years now, it continues to save me on a daily basis. In addition to it introducing me to Siobhan back in the late 1970s, it has put me in contact with a countless number of terrific people over these many years, and it has created a myriad of unbelievably beautiful experiences and relationships with them. This past weekend was no exception. It was just a reflection of many other weekends like it.
It started on Saturday night at Rio Tomatlan with our monthly show in the bar during the dinner hours. Perry Cleaveland was free, and he joined us with his fiddle, mandolins, and great high harmony, and as always, he took us to a higher level with our music. Willie DeVargas, a friend and full-time working musician from the New York City area, was up visiting family and friends for Thanksgiving. Willie, a one-man band, took his guitar, cajon, cymbal, harmonica, and voice and thoroughly entertained the bar during our break.
The fun continued on Sunday when Siobhan and I hosted our songwriters concert series in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan. Our featured guests were The Dady Brothers, and they packed the house, dazzling the crowd with their heart-felt songs and excellent musicianship. I watched John and Joe Dady create magic in their shows for many years, and here’s how they did it in this one. Heat Wave, a hot young bluegrass band, played in the restaurant for the Sunday brunch before John and Joe’s concert. When they came upstairs to watch the show, in an impromptu fashion as he so often does, John told the three young musicians to go get their instruments and join them on stage for a couple of songs. They also asked Perry Cleaveland to grab a mandolin and join them. So, John and Joe, along with Brandon Masur, Richie Colf, Max Flansburg, and Perry Cleaveland, ignited the standing room only hall with some unbelievable picking. I could feel the smiles of both young and old emanating throughout the room. It was pure magic! The beauty for me was watching two to three generations come together to enjoy music. Also, it was exciting to watch the baton of music being passed from an older generation to a younger one. Hats off to John and Joe for creating this magic moment in time and giving everyone one unbelievably awesome show!
In addition to thanking the musicians who contributed to these two great days at Rio, I want to give a big shoutout to Chris, Erin, Teresa, Shannon, Jt, Julie, Brittany, Trevor, Andrew, Amy, Sadie, and the rest of the staff at Rio for all the help they give us to make it happen at Rio for our shows and our concerts. A big shoutout to Scott Regan for promoting our concerts on WRUR’s “Open Tunings!” Finally, a big shoutout to everyone who came to Rio either on Saturday or Sunday! It was great catching up with you, especially those former students who remember me from my other life.
Still reading? If so, thanks for being in our lives and Have a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 11/18, The Dady Brothers will be our guests in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen these two brothers together, you are in for some great original music. Prior to this point, they have done solo shows for us, and these shows were terrific. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
"Little Stream"
"It Will All Work Out"
"You Bring Out the Peace in Me"
"My Conesus Cabin Home"
"The Man with a Banjo"

Want to know more about The Dady Brothers?
The Dady Brothers

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Dan Lopata), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16
Eva and the Dog Boys, August 4
The Cadleys with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks, August 18
The Healing Committee, September 1
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, September 15
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 6
The Michael Yacci Trio, October 20

Monday, November 12, 2018


Getting through the lonely, dreary days of November is always a challenge. Music always comes to my rescue, and Once again, it is not letting me down.
Last Wednesday, Siobhan and I were guests of Gordon Munding, the host of Blues and Roots at the B-Side in Fairport. We were strangers when we entered the B-Side, but not when we left. We played two sets, and in the second one, we had the patrons singing along with us. We had a blast! Big thanks to Gordon for having us as his guests, and big thanks to the workers and patrons for being so supportive and welcoming! This great little venue of Gordon’s occurs on the first Wednesday of each month. The B-Side emanates a nice vibe. So, check out Gordon’s event sometime! He does a great job hosting it!
The dreariness of November was kept at bay on Thursday when we arrived at The Timber Creek Tavern for our monthly happy hour. The regulars were there to support us, and we got into some good silly fun with them, especially in the second set. Big thanks to Susie for letting us jam at her place once a month and big thanks to Jill and Hillbilly for always being so friendly and helpful. Finally, big thanks to you friends and patrons at The Timber Creek. It’s an absolute pleasure being with you, and we look forward to next month!
Friday, we went over to the Honeoye Boat House Grill to listen to Warren Paul, one of the terrific songwriters who appears in our songwriter concert series at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua. Warren’s great voice, outstanding guitar playing, and excellent sense of humor engaged us for three beautiful sets. Just kicking back and taking in Warren’s music was just what the doctor ordered. Warren plays the Honeoye Boat House a couple of times a month; so check him out! Also, check out the fish-fry! It’s delicious! Big thanks to Warren for a great show and big thanks to Greg, the owner, for booking us to play at the Boat House on Nov. 23! Hope you can stop by!
Since Warren’s music was so soothing on Friday, we went out to See Beth Steel and Bruce Diamond on Saturday night at The Lobby Craft Eatery and Coffee Shop, a new venue on East Lake Road in Canandaigua. Beth and Bruce’s show was terrific, and since there were so many musicians there, they turned the evening into being somewhat of an open mic by inviting Mike Wittek, Jack Jones, Siobhan, me, and a couple of other musicians to do some tunes. What a beautiful evening! Big thanks to Beth and Bruce for a great job! Big thanks to Jon Willis for booking Siobhan and me to play at The Lobby on Nov. 24! This place has a great vibe, and we’re really looking forward to playing there!
Well, in a few days, we’ll be half way through November. With our upcoming show at Rio Tomatlan with Perry Cleaveland on Nov. 17, hosting our concert in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan featuring The Dady Brothers on Nov. 18, and our shows at The Honeoye Boat House on Nov. 23 and The Lobby Craft eatery and Coffee Shop on Nov. 24, we have a great chance to keep the November doldrums away. Hope I am right!
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, November 5, 2018


Just reflecting on another great weekend of music and being truly grateful to be surrounded by such terrific people in this area where we live! Siobhan and I had another blast jamming with Perry Cleaveland at Rylie J’s this past Friday night. What I really like about our jams is each of us brings something new to each session, keeping it fresh and fun for everyone. Thanks to Perry for being so innovative and for always being so easy to work with on stage. Thanks to Pat and Amy McGhan for continuing to have us for their first Friday happy hour, and thanks to Roachie and Jeff, the bartenders, for always being so welcoming and accommodating. Finally thanks to all of you who were at Rylie J’s to support us. Really appreciated it!
On Sunday, John Dady and Jed Curran gave a great show of their original material in Quiote at Rio Tonatlan! Putting aside the personal troubles confronting each of them, they gave a warm heart-felt performance, deeply touching the hearts and souls of those who were in attendance. Their songs, many of which came from their personal experiences, were greatly enhanced by the back story explaining each song’s origin, and these tales often brought laughter and tears to the large appreciative crowd. Thanks to John and Jed for an outstanding show. Thanks to Raf, Erin, Chris, Teresa, Brittany, Julie, Amy, Trevor, Sadie, Darrel, and the rest of the staff at Rio for all the help they give us in creating this concert venue. Thanks to Scott Regan, the host of WRUR’s “Open Tunings,” for promoting our concerts on his show. Finally, thanks to all of you who came to this terrific concert. You have no idea how much your support is appreciated!
Although we are way down the food chain regarding our ability to use FaceBook Live, Siobhan and I have started to work with it for the purpose of promoting our concert series and providing the show for those who are unable to get to see it. We hope to be able to provide you with some quality video of these shows in the not too distant future. Please be patient.
Still reading? If so, thanks for being in our lives and have a great week!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 11/4, John Dady and Jed Curran will be our guests in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen these two friends together, you are in for some great original music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
"Little Stream"
"It Will All Work Out"
"You Bring Out the Peace in Me"
"My Name Is Peter Biss"
The Rhyming and the Rhythm"

Want to know more about John Dady?
The Dady Brothers
Want to know more about Jed Curran?
Jed Curran

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

The Dady Brothers (John Dady and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Dan Lopata), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16
Eva and the Dog Boys, August 4
The Cadleys with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks, August 18
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, September 15
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 6
The Michael Yacci Trio, October 20

Sunday, October 28, 2018


I always tend to look for the silver lining when I can. Here’s one that came up this weekend.
Despite the dreary washout yesterday, the cozy New Hall Diner was buzzing with patrons drifting in and out for breakfast and lunch throughout the morning and afternoon. Siobhan and I had a blast kicking back and playing our tunes for you, and when Perry Cleaveland showed up to join us, it got even better. Thanks to perry for taking us to a higher level with our music. Thanks to Tamarie, Amy, Greg, and the rest of the staff for delivering such delicious food and excellent service. Finally thanks to all of you who came out on this cold and rainy day to enjoy a moment in this beautiful little gem in the middle of nowhere. We’ll be back at the New Hall Diner on Dec. 29, but in the meantime, spread the word about this place to your friends. Diners like this one are the backbone of America, and we need to work hard to keep them alive!
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Thursday, October 25, 2018


For our long-distance friends and those who can’t get out to see us, here’s a playlist (21 songs) called “Meyer and McGuire Muse with John Prine.” It contain ssongs from Meyer and McGuire and John Prine. You can listen to it for free on Spotify. If you are not a member of Spotify, just provide a user name and password, and you’ll be good to go with a free account. Enjoy!

Monday, October 22, 2018


It’s you who make it happen for us, and you came through once again for us at Rio Tomatlan this past weekend! Can’t thank you enough!
On Saturday, Siobhan and I had a blast playing our dinner show in the bar. In addition to chatting with friends both old and new, we engaged in some great bantering with the servers and bartenders by playing some of their favorite songs and giving them well-deserved shout-outs, something we love to do. At Rio, it’s always a team effort, and the staff members always make it fun for us.
On Sunday, the fun continued when we hosted our concert series in Quiote (the second floor of Rio Tomatlan). The Michael Yacci Trio, our feature for the afternoon, knocked it right out of the ball park, as they always do. In addition to playing some great songs from his previous albums, Songwriter, Mike Yacci, introduced us to some excellent new material from his newly released CD, POLARITY. Mike’s songs, a fusion of rock, pop, blues, and jazz, were greatly enhanced by the excellent musicianship of Mike (keyboard and lead vocals), Bryan Maslin (percussion and harmony), and Paul Yacci (bass, Saxophone, and harmony). The arrangements were outstanding, and the delivery was exquisite. In the second set, Mike invited Eric Alden to join the band for a couple of blues tunes, and Eric brought the house down with some wailing sounds from his harmonica. This band always has fun when they play, and the audience absorbs the vibe the band generates. By the overwhelming enthusiastic response from the audience this Sunday, it was evident the band connected once again.
A big thanks to Mike, Bryan, and Paul for a phenomenal show! A big thanks to Raf, Chris, Erin, Teresa, Brittany, Julie, Amy, Shannon, JT, Trevor, Sadie, and the rest of the staff at Rio for all the help they gave us this weekend! Finally, a big thanks to all who came to our show on Saturday and to the concert we hosted on Sunday! We really appreciated your support
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 10/21, The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci) will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen this group, you are in for some great original music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
”Somebody’s Man”
”Changed the Spark”
”One More Goodbye”
”I Lost My voice”

Want to know more about Michael Yacci?
Michael Yacci Official Web Site

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
The Dady Brothers (John Dady and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, September 15
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 6

Monday, October 15, 2018


After three days of having a blast playing our shows, Siobhan and I spent yesterday’s beautiful fall day cruising the countryside listening to the oldies. Siobhan does not describe much, but she has a real eye for irony, and when she sees it, she never fails to make me laugh. Yesterday, she made it a point to let me know there is a sign in front of the dump in Flint that says, “Pick your own apples.” Observations like this one have kept me entertained for many years, and I hope she never loses her touch. Our little road trip landed us in Hall, NY, where we had a delicious breakfast at the New Hall Diner. Folks, check this place out! Tamarie and her staff are cranking out some awesome food!
Getting back to our shows, I can’t thank you enough for all the support you showed us this past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Our monthly happy hour every second Thursday at Timber Creek keeps getting better and better as we get to know more and more of the regulars. It’s a blast hanging with you folks and catching up on the news. Special thanks to Susie for continuing to let us jam there, and special thanks to Jill and Hillbilly for always being so friendly and helpful. Hope to see you all on Nov. 8!
On Friday, we rolled into Irish Mafia Brewing Company for our best night there so far. The Friday night energy was flowing, and we caught up with many folks from our Canandaigua Academy days. Matt Beeman, one of CA’s finest, was there, and he sat in with Siobhan and me adding some great guitar leads to some of our tunes. It’s been twelve years since we retired and meeting up with so many CA folks made the evening that much more enjoyable. A big thanks to Matt for joining us and making our night a little more memorable. A big thanks to Rayna Larancho, one of our former students, for bringing us to Irish Mafia and including us in its community. Finally, a big thanks to all of you who were there to make it such an awesome evening for us!
On Saturday, we finished out our three-day stint at another one of our favorite spots, Brew and Brats. The food, beverages, friendly patrons, and atmosphere never get old for us. We had another energetic crowd, and it gave us the juice to give it our best shot. Jack Jones, a songwriter and musician friend of ours, was there, and he brought the house down with his rendition of “Vincent,” a song by Don McLean. Jack also received an enthusiastic response to his original song, “Mr. Tangerine Man,” a parody to the melody of Dylan’s “Mr. Tambourine Man.” Tom MacAllister added to the evening when he showed up with his spoons and joined us for a few tunes. Thanks to Jack and Tom for contributing to another fun evening at Brew and Brats. Thanks to John and Katie Brahm and John and Sherry French for being such gracious hosts. Thanks to Edgar Brown and the rest of the staff for always being so friendly and helpful. Finally, thanks to all of you who were there. You made the night for us!
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, October 8, 2018


Let me start out with a big thanks to all who took time to wish me a happy birthday! Your brief comments served as tiny photographs that triggered thoughts of our times spent together, and they compiled a memory photo album of my life. Reading each comment only reinforced something I have known for years. I am a lucky guy! Each of you has contributed to the wonderful road I have traveled so far, and I only hope I can keep enhancing this awesome trip with you. Here’s a little summary of the last three days of this incredible journey.
Siobhan and I kicked off the weekend by opening up another season of first Friday happy hours at Rylie J’s in Geneva. We play these happy hours from October to May, and we just started off our ninth season. Joining us for this opener was one of our favorite sidemen, Perry Cleaveland, and once again, he lit up our show with his mandolins and fiddle. When we jam with Perry, the goal is for the three of us to have fun, and that is just what happened. In all honesty, it happens just about every time the three of us get together. Thanks to Perry for being the class act he is both on and off stage, Pat and Amy McGhan, the owners, for always including us in the Rylie J’s family, and Roachie and Jeff for being two outstanding bartenders and friends for many years. Finally, thanks to you, the patrons of Rylie J’s, for coming out and supporting us; you always make it a fun evening!
Saturday, we returned to The Tipping Glass, a little bar/lounge in the basement of The Naples Hotel. Playing there makes you feel like you are doing a house concert because it is so intimate and cozy. We’ve only played there a few times, and this was by far our best outing yet. Thanks to Heidi Goodman, the owner, for inviting us to play, Dom Gallo, for introducing us to Heidi and bringing us back to the village of Naples after being away from it for so many years, and Karen, the bartender, for being so accommodating and helping us unload our equipment. Thanks to Tom MacAllister for coming down from the hills with his spoons and sitting in with us Periodically throughout the evening. It was a blast! Finally, thanks to all of you who came to The Tipping Glass to listen, especially you folks from North Carolina. We really appreciated your support!
We closed out the weekend on Sunday by hosting our songwriters’ concert series in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua. Jack Jones, also a journalist and biographer, was our guest, and he was backed up by Fran Cary and Kendall Paul Wilt, two of his band mates from The Stid Hill Stompers. In addition to confronting common themes of love and identity, Jack’s incredible songs, delivered at times in a Dylan-like cadence, reflected his experiences working in Vietnam, Africa, and state prisons. His outstanding lyrics were enhanced by an unbelievable musical presentation. His voice was strong and clear, and at times, Fran Cary added some exquisite harmonies. Jack and Fran’s voices were surrounded by beautiful sounds from Kendall’s harmonica and keyboard and Fran’s guitar and banjo. To put it simply, the audience was totally enthralled for the entire show. Thanks to Jack, Kendall, and Fran for feeding our souls with their beautiful music. Thanks to Raf, Erin, Brittany, Teresa, Julie, Amy, Trevor, Chris, Sadie, and the rest of the staff at Rio for always trying to be as helpful as they can when we are hosting a show. Finally, thanks to all of you who came out to support Jack, Fran, and Kendall. I hope they enriched your life as much as they did mine.
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 10/7, Jack Jones and his friends from The Stid Hill Stompers will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen Jack, you are in for some great original music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!

”I’d Be Grateful”
”I’m Sorry, John”
”My Brother Chimpanzee”
”Rag & Bone Man”

Want to know more about The Stid Hill Stompers? Check them out right here.
Stid Hill Stompers

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 7
The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), October 21
John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, September 15

Sunday, September 30, 2018


Have a little time for a road trip review? As I sit in this hotel room in the early morning hours, I am reflecting on the great times Siobhan and I had over the past few days with some old friends. It started off on Thursday in Saugerties, NY, my home town. Siobhan and I visited with Tom and Jeanne Murphy. Tom and I lived on the same street, and we walked to school together nearly every day. Although we went our separate ways After high school and were apart from each other for great gaps of time, whenever we met up, it was just like it was yesterday. This past Thursday and Friday were no different. Jeanne, Siobhan, Tom, and I picked up right where we left off just about nine months ago, discussing our life’s wins and losses. Although we alluded to the past at times, we stayed in the present, talking about our current issues and new chapters we were planning to start. The great time spent with these two terrific people was only enhanced by some tasty libations and Jeanne’s unbelievably delicious food. A big thanks to Tom and Jeanne for being who they are! If you have a friendship like the one I just described, cherish it. It’s one of the most valuable things you can cultivate.
After spending the night in Greenfield, MA, on Friday, Saturday, we headed over to Shelburne Falls, MA, to play at Baked, a bakery and restaurant owned by Gretchen Gerstner, one of my many all-time favorite students. Siobhan and I became close to Gretchen when we played our music at Rose Corner Bakery and Restaurant, a place she owned in Canandaigua, NY. It was a beautiful afternoon in Shelburne Falls, and we got to play our music on the patio. Customers came and went from the eatery leaving us with nods of affirmation, thumbs up signs, compliments, and applause. To sum it up, we had a blast! After the show, we sat on the patio with Gretchen and caught up on the news while enjoying a dish of her famous Mac and cheese, one of my favorites from the Rose Corner days. Gretchen filled us with great stories about her life in Shelburne Falls and Ashfield, where she works as a part time police officer. Her energy, honesty, and sense of humor are still going strong, and we just loved listening to her. She, like so many of my former students are doing great things with their lives, and I love hearing about them or reading about them on FB. After a nice long chat, Gretchen went back to baking, and we headed down the road to Greenfield for the evening.
A little later today, Siobhan and I will be headed back to Canandaigua. We love road trips because they are relaxing and refreshing, but we love the excitement that occurs for us when we are headed back to Canandaigua. We traditionally end each road trip by unwinding with a walk to a local eatery. Like most small towns and cities, the streets of Canandaigua are very quiet at night, especially on Sundays. When I walk in this silence with Siobhan by my side, I am at total peace and feel eternally grateful. Really looking forward to tonight!

Still reading? If so, thanks for being in our lives and have a great week!

Monday, September 17, 2018


Today, as Siobhan and I celebrate our thirty six years of being together, we are savoring the last Four days spent with many great people! Here’s the scoop.
Last Thursday, we got in another splendid evening on the deck for our monthly happy hour at The Timber Creek. Thanks to all who were there to enjoy the night with us. As always, thanks to Susie for letting us play our songs at her place. We missed Jill because she had to take her dog to the vet, but thanks to Susie and Torrance for filling in for her. Already, we’re looking forward to our show on October 11!
We hosted the open mic at Brew and Brats on Friday, and oh what a blast it was! Thanks to the following players who contributed to a really fun evening: Jim Holden, Nate Holden, Oakley Holden, Hank Ranney, Jack Jones, Kendall Wilt, Bob Dugan, Ed Loesch, John French, and even the ubiquitous Pam Lazio. Yes, I said Pam Lazio. This is not fake news. Pam added some great backup harmony in our traditional end of the evening finale. As always, thanks to John and Katie Brahm and John and Sherry French and their staff for creating such a great venue and making us feel like we are part of the Brew and Brats Family. Finally, thanks to all the patrons who came out to listen to the players and share the evening with us. Looking forward to our concert at Brew and Brats on October 13!
Saturday we started a two-day stint at Rio Tomatlan with our monthly dinner show. Perry Cleaveland was free to join us, and as always, he dressed up our show with some great sounds from his mandolins and fiddle and some beautiful backup harmony. Sunday was even a bigger music day at Rio. Heat Wave, a great bluegrass band with players Max Flansburg, Richie Colf, and Brandon Masure, kicked off the day with some great tunes on the deck for Rio’s Sunday brunch. They’ll be playing several brunch events at Rio; so keep an eye out for them! At 3 PM, the music at Rio moved to Quiote (upstairs) for our concert series for songwriters. Tom Whitmore of Watkins and the Rapiers was our guest, and once again, he delivered a great show as he has for the past several years. In addition to his humorous songs, Tom has an uncanny way of injecting humor into some very serious topics, and he brought a chuckle or smile to my face throughout his entire show. Based on the enthusiastic response from the audience, he must have done the same for them, too. Thanks to Scott Regan for promoting Tom’s show on WRUR’s “Open tunings.”Thanks to Perry, Max, Richie, Brandon, and Tom for making it a great two days of music for Siobhan and me. Thanks to Raf, Chris, Erin, Teresa, Brittany, Julie, Amy, Trevor, Sadie, Darrel, and the rest of the staff at Rio for just making us feel like we are part of the Rio Family. Looking forward to our next time at Rio when we host another songwriter’s concert featuring Jack Jones on October 7!
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 9/16, Tom Whitmore of Watkins and the Rapiers will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen Tom, you are in for some great original music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
"Lesbian Son”
”Baby, It’s a Long Walk Home”
”The Truth”
”Temporary Baby”
”Vacation from God”
”Texting While Driving”

Want to know more about Tom and Watkins and the Rapiers? Check them out right here.
”Watkins and the Rapiers”

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 7
The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), October 21
John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16

Monday, September 10, 2018


Although it’s a dreary Monday morning, and I am sitting in a hotel room in Verona, NY, I am smiling because Last night, Siobhan and I attended a terrific Alison Krauss concert, the culminating event of a great weekend of music. Here’s the scoop.
It started on Friday night at Billsboro Winery in Geneva, NY. Siobhan, Perry Cleaveland, and I played for “Pizza on the Patio,” a great weekly summer event created by owners Kim and Vinnie Aliperti. Sometimes it all comes together, and sometimes it does not. on this night, it did. We played to a sold out patio on a beautiful summer evening, and we had a blast with each other on stage. Siobhan and I supplied the rhythm and lyrics, and Perry dressed them up exquisitely with his mandolins and fiddle. As I passed him leads, All night long, Perry kept catching them and picking up first downs and touchdowns with ease, and we savored every moment of it. Thanks to Perry for always being right on the money with his humor and musical ability, and thanks to Kim and Vinnie for always inviting us to play at this event. Finally, thanks to all of you who were there to enjoy the evening with us. You have no idea how much we really appreciate your support.
Saturday morning, we traveled over to debut at the New Hall Diner, a fantastic breakfast/lunch place owned by the ebullient Tamarie Converse – Cataldo. The New Hall Diner is Garrison Keillor’s Chatter Box Café, Fanny Flag’s Whistle Stop Café, and Tom Bodett’s Clara’s Coffee Cup all rolled into one. Tamarie, who once worked for Gretchen Gerstner at Rose Corner Restaurant and Bakery, has taken the baton from Gretchen and run with it, and she is cranking out some awesome food and great baked goods. While we were playing our tunes, Perry and Caren Cleaveland stopped for lunch, and we got Perry to sit in with us for the second set. With Perry with us, the fun only increased, and we had a blast with the patrons. Thanks to Perry for stopping by and sitting in with us, and thanks to Tamarie, Amy, Tia, and the rest of the staff at New Hall Diner for being so welcoming and accommodating. Thanks to all who showed up to the diner to share in the fun with us. Diners, like this one, are rare these days, and they need to be cultivated and cherished. So, stop by to enjoy some of Tamarie’s delicious food when you get a chance, and we’ll let you know the next time we’ll be passing through there with our music.
Wait, wait, I’m not done yet! On Sunday, Siobhan and I decided to take a little over night road trip to the Turning Stone Casino in Verona, NY, to see an Alison Krauss concert. On our way there, we stopped off at the public library in Liverpool, NY, to see a concert by our good friends, The Cadleys. John and Cathy Cadley, along with Perry Cleaveland (mandolin) and John Danks (upright bass), put on an absolutely terrific show of bluegrass, country, and folk music. John Cadley is one of the finest songwriters in the region, and his group appears annually in our concert series for songwriters at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua. So, stay tuned for their upcoming show on January 27 in 2019. After getting pumped by the show given by the Cadleys, we hopped in the car and continued down the road to the Turning Stone for the Alison Krauss concert. Because we are not gamblers, Siobhan and I had never been to the Turning Stone. Well, after discovering the Turning Stone’s excellent concert hall, we will surely be back, because Alison Krauss and her band verified the beauty of this music hall with Alison’s outstanding voice and the band’s unbelievable musicianship.
There you have it! Three great days of music! It doesn’t get any better! Still reading? If so, have a great week, and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, September 3, 2018


A great unofficial ending to summer with music! It started on Friday night at Brew and Brats and ended on Sunday at Rio Tomatlan.
When we are not playing our music, Siobhan and I like to get out to the venues that support us, and when possible, we also like to get out and support the songwriters who help us with our concert series. This past Friday, the stars were aligned for us to do both of these things in one spot. Creek’s Edge, a duo of Chad Ayers and Trevor Whiting, was hosting the open mic at Brew and Brats, and oh what a magic evening it was! Chad, who sometimes plays lead guitar for his brother, Brian, one of the songwriters in our series, was lighting it up with his partner Trevor. Brother Brian was there with his daughter, Jenna, and father and daughter joined Chad and brought the house down with Jenna’s unbelievably beautiful voice. Several other guests took the stage with some great music, and Siobhan and I got to jam with Chad and Brian, an absolute pleasure for us. Much thanks to Chad and Trevor for hosting a terrific open mic, and thanks to Brew and Brats for always delivering a good time to its customers and including us in its list of performers!
Saturday, we hooked up with the ubiquitous Perry Cleaveland for a high energy jam on the patio of the Canandaigua Yacht Club for its “Ring of Fire Party.” Perry, who always takes us to a higher level with our music, was right in the pocket once again. Playing our music and bantering with each other and members of the audience, we enjoyed a warm summer breeze and a beautiful vista of the lake from the hill of the club’s location. I’ve been in this situation in many spots around the lake, and it just never gets old. A big thanks to Perry for always delivering and a big thanks to the members of the club for having us so many, many times throughout the years!
Jeff Riales and Mike Wittek were our guests for our concert series for songwriters in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan on Sunday. Jeff is the quintessential songwriter of country music in our area, and he and his backup player Mike Wittek delivered another beauty for us. Although Jeff has lived in Rochester for a number of years, his song lyrics always take me back to his roots in Mississippi and other areas of the south. When I listen to Jeff’s music, I find myself meandering along a dusty country road, riding a train along the Mississippi, speeding down Highway 61 in a convertible, or listening to a sad love song by Elvis Presley. I took this journey once again, and Mike Wittek enhanced the trip with some beautiful licks on his guitar and mandolin. The audience must have been traveling with me because they responded enthusiastically after nearly every song. A big thanks to Jeff and Mike for another awesome show, Raf, Erin, Teresa, Brittany, Julie, Amy, Trevor, Chris, and the rest of the staff at Rio for helping us with our songwriters series, Scott Regan for promoting our concerts on WRUR’s “Open Tunings,” and you, the audience, for being there to support the venue!
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 9/2, Jeff Riales and Mike Wittek will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen this duo, you are in for some great original country music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
"Where Seneorita Played"
"The Things You Left at Home"
”Blow That Whistle Loud”
”Don’t Go Drinkin’ on an Empty Heart”
”I Am Old Glory”
”Mama Waved at Elvis”
”The Ticket”

Want to know more about Jeff?

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Tom Whitmore (of Watkins and the Rapiers), September 16
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 7
The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), October 21
John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2
Da Vines (Alex and Fred Vine), June 16

Monday, August 27, 2018


The summer is winding down, and so are our summer venues. This past week we played our final shows for the season at Warfield’s, Heron Hill, and Jose and Willy’s, and Siobhan and I are very grateful to everyone who showed up to make these events a lot of fun.
At Warfield’s, last Wednesday, we played and evening of our original music with the “Mando Master,” Perry Cleaveland, joining us. Perry never ceases to amaze us with his improvisational skills. Because we went with an evening of original music, many of our songs were new to him. You wouldn’t know it, however, because so many of his leads and filler work on mandolin and fiddle could easily have been first takes on a recording. Special thanks to Perry for another outstanding job! It’s been a somewhat dismal summer at Warfield’s because four of our six shows had to be played in the lounge as a result of bad weather. Fortunately, we were able to end the summer season on a high note with all the people who came to the garden for the last show. Despite the somewhat chilly evening, the spirit of the crowd was filled with energy and enthusiasm, especially on our final song, “Just One.” A big thank you to all you folks who were there to create a great memory for us to carry through the winter! Special thanks to Chris Kormalos, Diane Madison, and the rest of the staff at Warfield’s for all their help and hospitality throughout the summer!
On Saturday, we finished up our season at Heron Hill’s Bristol location overlooking the beautiful vineyards outside the tasting room. It’s been a good summer for us at Heron Hill, and the last show came on an absolutely gorgeous evening. Special thanks to Michelle for stunning the large crowd with a terrific a cappella rendition of an old Hank Williams song can’t recall the title), and special thanks to Skip Buck for occasionally joining us with some great harmonies throughout the evening. Thanks to all of you who were there. Your enthusiastic feedback gave us the energy to pull out all the stops in giving it our best effort. Special thanks to John Ingle, Eric Frarey, Courtney, Amanda, Tony, Christine, Devon, Darrel, and the rest of the staff at Heron Hill for being so welcoming and accommodating throughout the summer!
We closed out the weekend on Sunday on the deck at Jose and Willy’s. Siobhan and I have played music on this deck since the early 2000s, and it never gets old for us. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and we kicked back and rolled through our set list as people stopped by after boating on the lake, finishing a motorcycle road trip, or walking along Lakeshore Drive. Special thank to Manny Rodriguez, a well-known harmonica player in our area, for stopping by and joining us on a few tunes. Great job, Manny! Thanks to all of you who were there to take in some of the last signs of summer with us. We really appreciated your genuine response to our music. Special thanks to Bill and Pat Van Damme, Nick Laskowski, and the rest of the staff at Jose and Willy’s for always being so cordial and appreciative of our efforts!

Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, August 20, 2018


Relaxing after a great weekend with our Rio Tomatlan Family! After Siobhan and I had our usual good time playing during the dinner hours on Saturday night, on Sunday, we hosted our concert series for songwriters in Quiet (upstairs) at Rio Tomatlan featuring Paulsen, Baker, and Chaapel. Although we are all growing older, these guys never get old for me. Their banter mixed in with stories about the development of their songs, harmonies, musicianship, and all around stage presence were right on the money, and this was verified by a very enthusiastic response from the audience. Warren Paul, another songwriter who appears in our series, joined the trio for a few tunes adding some great harmonica to the mix. Since I have known these guys since 1975, their show was special to me because I was at so many of the events that generated the lyrics of their songs, allowing me to relive my own life through their imagery. Big thanks to John, Keith, Tim and Warren for creating a great afternoon in Quiote! Big thanks to Raf, Erin, Teresa, Brittany, Julie, Amy, Ryan, Chris, Trevor, Cindy, and the rest of the staff at Rio for all the help and support they gave us on Saturday and Sunday! Big thanks to Scott Regan for promoting the show on WRUR’s “Open Tunings!” Finally, big thanks to all who came out this Saturday and Sunday! Your support keeps us trying to become better and better musicians and concert developers, and we truly appreciate it! Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, August 13, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 8/19, Paulsen, Baker, and Chaapel will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen this trio, you are in for some great original Americana music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!

”Sunday Afternoon”
”This Song”
”It’s All Right”
”Consumer Blues”
”The Circle”

Want to know more about John and Keith?
Paulsen and Baker Band

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Songwriter To Be Announced, September 2
Tom Whitmore (of Watkins and the Rapiers), September 16
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 7
The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), October 21
John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), January 27
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2


As I sit here on our back porch, I am visualizing our backyard. Siobhan is in it attending to the neat little flower garden she has developed in the center of the yard. As with everything she does, she handles the garden with great sensitivity. She does this with her mother when we visit her at the Clifton Springs nursing home, with the musicians who appear in our song writer’s series, and with just about every situation that comes our way. Her goal is always to get things just right, or as right as they can be. In our duo, although I play guitar, harmonica, and sing the songs, she is the real backbone of the group, relentlessly working towards getting our sound just right and keeping a great beat with her acoustic bass. She is truly the wind beneath my wings, and for this, I am truly grateful. These thoughts of mine have emerged because we just played our last three shows as a duo. It brought me back to twenty-six years ago when we first started out with it just being the two of us on stage. Since then, although we have had many great players join us, and we plan to continue inviting more great players to join us when they can, it still never gets old when it is just the two of us. Whether there are ten people in the audience or two hundred, we play the music because it is fun and we love it. So, with that said, here’s to Siobhan! May our next thirty-six years be even better than the first thirty- six! (We were together for ten years before Siobhan started playing bass.)
Regarding these last three shows, thanks to everyone who came out to support us. You have no idea how much we appreciate your being there. Special thanks to Chris, Diane, Kelly, and the rest of the staff at Warfield’s for being so friendly and accommodating last Wednesday. We were forced to play in the lounge again because of bad weather, but it did not dampen the spirits of us or those who were there to join us. We are hoping for good weather for our last show of the summer season on August 22. On Thursday, we played our monthly happy hour on the deck at The Timber Creek. Special thanks to Susie and Jill for just being the great people they are. Hillbilly is a football coach; so, we won’t see him again until late fall. Good luck with the season, Hillbilly! Special thanks to Jordan Jerome for joining us and singing a great rendition of “Country Roads.” The folks on the deck loved it! Finally, on Saturday, we returned to The Tipping Glass in the basement of The Naples Hotel. Special thanks to Heidi, Dom, and Karen for being so helpful and accommodating. We will be back at The Tipping Glass on October 6, and we’d like our friends to know you can have dinner in The Tipping Glass, something we did not realize.
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, August 6, 2018


Another great weekend of music, and I am just here to express my appreciation to all those who made it great for us! It was beautiful this past Saturday night, and Siobhan, Perry Cleaveland, and I played to a large crowd of folks who were enjoying the scene at Brew and Brats. Thanks to Perry who, as usual, lit it up with his mandolins and fiddle. He really captivated the crowd when he brought them to the Caribbean by making his electric mandolin sound like a steel drum. Thanks to Jack Jones, our good friend and one of the songwriters in our concert series, for joining us and playing one of his new tunes and engaging the crowd in a couple of classic sing-alongs. Thanks to John and Katie Brahm, John and Sherry French, Angela MacAllister, Edgar Brown, Alex, and the rest of the staff at Brew and Brats for their exceptional hospitality. Finally, thanks to all our friends, old and new, who came to see us. It was great catching up on the news with you, and we really appreciate your support!
Sunday brought us back to Rio Tomatlan to host another concert in our songwriting series. The Healing Committee (Alan Whitney, Kathryn Koch, and Tim Pitcher), knocked it out of the ball park for a third straight year. Their instrumentation, harmonies, and well-crafted lyrics were simply exquisite. Thanks to the healing Committee for coming through with another great show, and thanks to Perry Cleaveland for adding some mandolin to one of Tim Pitcher’s original songs. Thanks to Raf, Erin, Teresa, Julie, Brittany, Trevor, Sadie, Chris, and the rest of the staff at Rio for all the help they give us in our attempt to develop this concert series. Thanks to all of you who were there to enjoy The Healing Committee’s show. Siobhan and I are really committed to enriching our community to the beautiful original music of its local songwriters, and your presence at these concerts gives us the juice to keep going with our endeavor.
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being in our lives!

Monday, July 30, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 8/5, The Healing Committee (Alan Whitney, Kathryn Coch, and Tim Pitcher) will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. If you have never seen this trio, you are in for some great original Americana music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
”Smokin’ and Drinkin’”
”Frankie Speed (Stealin’ Cadillacs)”
”Little Birdie”
”Falling Lessons”
”Love Is All That Matters Now”

Want to know more about The Healing Committee?
The Healing Committee, FB

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, August 19
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), September 2
Tom Whitmore (of Watkins and the Rapiers), September 16
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 7
The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), October 21
John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
The Brothers Blue, April 28
Jeff Riales, May 19
Steve Piper, June 2


I just want to take a minute to express my appreciation to everyone who supported us for the four shows we did since last Wednesday.
Rain forced us to play in the lounge at Warfield’s on Wednesday, but the feedback from the intimate group was positive, and we were thankful to be able to play for them. Thanks to Chris, Diane, Kelly, and the rest of the staff at Warfield’s for always being so gracious and supportive, and thanks to all who joined us in the lounge.
We did our second show at The Irish Mafia Brewing Company on Friday, and this show was even better than the first one. We introduced our music to a lot of new people, and they responded with great enthusiasm. Thanks to Mark, Rayna, and the rest of the staff at Irish Mafia for their hospitality and appreciation for our music, and thanks to the new and old friends who were there to support us.
On Saturday, we were overwhelmed with the support we received at our show at Heron Hill on “Pizza Night.” According to management, there were over 225 people in attendance, and Heron Hill sold 175 pizzas, the finest night of the summer so far. (Heron Hill sincerely apologizes for its inability to keep up with pizza orders in a timely fashion; there was only one oven, and it could not crank out the pizzas fast enough. They are working on solving this issue.) The real icing on the cake for us at Heron Hill, however, was simply meeting up with so many of our former students and their young families. . We just loved hearing about the many happy and productive lives of the students who once sat in our classroom. Thanks to John Ingle, Eric Frarey, Courtney, Amanda, Tony, Chris, Devon, Darrel, and the rest of the staff at Heron Hill for being so helpful and continuing to have us for the “Pizza Night” summer series.
Jose and Willy’s, the last of our four shows for this past week, was a real blast. An old friend of ours, Jay Sharman, showed up with his cajon, congas, and bongos. After Siobhan plugged him in, we engaged in a beautiful Sunday afternoon jam on the deck to a very appreciative audience. Thanks to Jay for lighting up our show with some great percussion. Thanks to Pat and Bill Van Damme and Nick Laskowski for continuing to have us play at their place; we’ve been with them since they opened in the early 2000s. Thanks to so many of you who were on the deck to take in our music and enjoy the beautiful vistas at the north end of the lake.
Still reading? If so, have a great week and thanks for being so supportive of our music!

Monday, July 23, 2018


Unwinding after four days of playing our music for some great events! I am so thankful I can still keep playing music, and I am so grateful Siobhan enjoys joining me! On Thursday, we were at the Lynch cottage on the west shore of Seneca Lake jamming up a storm with one of our favorite sidemen Perry Cleaveland. As with what happens at most of our private events, the Lynch’s were extremely welcoming and appreciative, making the three of us feel great. Thanks to Chris Lynch and family for including us in their lives, and thanks to Perry Cleaveland for delivering, as he always does, those hot sounds on his mandolins and fiddle.
On Friday, Siobhan and I got to kick off the Canandaigua Art and Music Festival in the Downtown Commons in Canandaigua. Throughout our twenty-six years as a duo, we have had many opportunities to play community concerts in Canandaigua, and we are very grateful to be able to keep doing this. Thanks to all who stopped by for our lunchtime concert, and thanks to Denise Chaapel, Business Improvement District director, for asking us and also creating a terrific art and music festival for the community.
We returned to Rio Tomatlan on Saturday, a place that has been our monthly home for many years now. The Rio staff has become our family, and we love being with them. Perry Cleaveland was with us again, and I know I sound like a broken record, but this guy never misses; he always delivers, and he did once again. Thanks to Perry for another awesome job, and thanks to Raf, Erin, Teresa, Brittany, Julie, Trevor, Chris, Cindy, Amy, Sadie, and the rest of the staff at Rio for just being the wonderful group of people you are. Thanks to all who came to Rio to support us and enjoy this very festive atmosphere.
Doing whatever we can do to help others is something we all should strive to do. We saw this at work on Sunday at the “Shootout for Soldiers,” a benefit for veterans put on by the Canandaigua lacrosse community. Siobhan and I were there to add a little background music to the event, and we were glad to be able to do this. I want to commend all the parents and coaches for instilling the importance of giving back. Lacrosse is something students will play for a short time, but giving back will be something they will be able to do for a lifetime.
If you are still reading, thanks for being in our lives and have a great week!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 7/15, Joe Rickard ( AKA Joemama)will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan in Canandaigua from 3 to 5 PM. Joe, originally from this area, moved south many years ago and has become a well-known singer/songwriter throughout the Florida Keys. If you have never seen Joe, you are in for some great original music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
”Love This Country USA”
”Take That Cell Phone and Shove It”
”No Scum Allowed”
”Bottle Up and Go”

Want to know more about Joe?
Welcome to Joemama Music

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:
The Healing Committee (Alan Whitney, Kathryn Koch, and Tim Pitcher), August 5
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, August 19
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), September 2
Tom Whitmore (of Watkins and the Rapiers), September 16
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 7
The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), October 21
John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
Jeff Riales, May 19

Monday, June 25, 2018


Hey Folks,

This blog started out giving you posts of the songwriter’s notes, lyrics, and music for my original songs. As with many things, it has gone in new directions. So, if you just started reading my post and are interested in my original material, here is a link to mySongwriter Notes.

On Sunday, 7/1, The Brothers Blue (Benny, Matthew, andCharlie) will be our guest in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan. If you have never seen the trio, you are in for some great original music. Take a look at the videos listed below, and see for yourself!
"This Too Shall Pass"
”I Am a Soldier”
"Ain’t No More Cane"
”Canadice Lake”
"Buffalo (Goin’ Back)"
"Foggy Mountain Top"
"Ghost Town"
"Peppermint Tea"

The concert is free, but we do ask for donations to support our performers. Siobhan has created six CDs, one for each of our six seasons that were held in The Side Room of Buffalo Bill’s. Each CD contains songs of the performers who appeared during that season. The requested donation for each CD is $10, and the proceeds go to the performers who are playing on the day of the donation. Since the performers who played in Buffalo Bill’s Side Room will now be playing in Quiote at Rio Tomatlan, the CDs will give you a good feel for what to expect in the upcoming shows.

Here is a link to videos of performers playing in the Side Room. The videos will give you a feel of how much fun we have had at each show., and I hope the fun will continue at Rio Tomatlan. Check them out!

Hope you can join us!
All the best,

Siobhan and Frank

Upcoming Shows:

Joe Rickard (AKA, Jomama), July 15
Paulsen Baker and Chaapel, August 19
The Cadleys (with Perry Cleaveland and John Danks), September 2
Tom Whitmore (of Watkins and the Rapiers), September 16
Jack Jones (with Kendall Paul Wilt and Fran Cary), October 7
The Michael Yacci Trio (Michael Yacci, Bryan Maslin, and Paul Yacci), October 21
John Dady (with guest Jed Curren), November 4
BenJoe (Ben Haravitch and Joe Dady), November 18
Kerry Regan (of Watkins and the Rapiers), December 2
Michael George Gonzalez (with guest Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), December 16
Warren Paul, January 6
Ben and Rita Proctor (of Crooked North), January 20
Maria Gillard Trio (Maria Gillard, Perry Cleaveland and Doug Henrie), February 17
Brian Ayers, March 3
Connie Deming, March 10
Paul Swiatek and Perry Cleaveland, April 7
Scott Regan, April 14
Jeff Riales, May 19