Wednesday, August 18, 2021

SHAKE THE DUST OFF YOUR SANDALS" (Back-story, Lyrics, & Link to Song on YouTube)


In the early 1970s my friend  Mark Warfel and his girlfriend gave me a Braille copy of the New Testament.  At the time, I was a “recovering Catholic,” and I was not in the market for any religion of any kind.  I initially started reading the book to improve my Braille reading skills, but as time moved along, I found myself drawn to the book every day.  I only read about a page or two, and then I gave myself some time for reflection and meditation.  Well, it is now 2021, and I am still a “recovering Catholic,” not in the market for any religion of any kind.  The book is old, and the Braille is worn down; but I still read a page or two a day, reflect, and meditate.  So, go figure!

 As I read these stories over the years, I would often find myself making connections with my life and the book’s episodes.  For example, in my classroom, whenever I would have to stop kids from selling candy for their fund-raisers, I would find myself chuckling, thinking about Christ turning over the tables of the money changers who sold their goods in the temple.  When I told the kids that my classroom was a house of prayer, not a den of thieves, no one got the allusion, and once again, I found myself laughing alone.


In addition to teaching, I also saw connections with the Bible and the music world.  Siobhan and I play a wide variety of venues, and some of these places have introduced us to some rather seedy characters.  I am very comfortable with these undesirables because I am just as much an outcast as they are.  The New Testament verifies this.  If you look closely, the stories of the Bible often lump the deaf, dumb, blind, crippled, prostitutes, tax collectors, and criminals into one group of rejects.  They’re all waiting around to be cured or saved.  Christ often gets criticized for spending time with these pariahs, but he responds by telling the Pharisees and Sadducees that he did not come to heal the healthy.  As a result, when I am with my outsider friends in some dive bar, I often look around to see if Christ has stopped by to spend some time with us.  Quite often he does, and when it happens, I usually hear his voice coming out of the mouth of one of my unsavory friends.

By now, you readers of the scriptures know where I am going, so I will quickly clear things up for you nonreaders.  In the New Testament Christ sends his disciples on their mission.  He tells them to go from town to town spreading their message.  If they are accepted, they should embrace the members of the community; however, if the people of the village reject the message, they should shake the dust off their sandals, and move on to the next town.

This simple story has inspired me for years.  Teaching and playing music have always subjected me to rejection, and this little tale has always restored my spirits and given me the confidence I needed to persevere.  As a result, the phrase, “Shake the dust off your sandals” has become a code by which I live.

“Shake the Dust Off Your Sandals” emerged into a song sometime in the mid ‘90s.  I don’t know where I was when it happened.  It could have been while I was practicing, on a walk, or riding in the car.  What I do remember is the song started with the chorus, so it probably got going shortly after one of my re-readings of the story.  Also, most likely I was rebounding from a defeating experience in either teaching or music.  The chorus developed as a code for living because that was what the phrase was for me.

 Because this code or phrase, whatever you want to call it, played such an instrumental part in keeping my heart and soul spiritually free, I decided the verses would reflect my own life’s experiences.  I created the verses into a ballad where I, the narrator, recount the trials and tribulations of my life.  At the conclusion of each verse, I indicate that my freedom has come from listening to my Friend.  In the final verse I reveal the identity of my friend.  It is my heart.  My heart has kept me free throughout my life, because whenever the message coming from it was rejected, my heart encouraged me to shake the dust off my sandals and move on to share the message with someone else.

 The song, a folk song with spiritual nuances, moves along in a somewhat free flowing manner falling somewhere in the middle of a tender ballad and a hard driving tune.  With a guitar, a mandolin, a harmonica, a bass, drums, and backup harmonies, John and Joe Dady (now members of the Rochester Music Hall of Fame) and Tim Chaapel (owner of Mobile Music in Canandaigua, NY), all quintessential musicians, helped Siobhan and me in creating one of those songs for contemplation, reflection, and inspiration.  I like it, and I hope you do, too.


Verse 1

When I was a young man just out of school

I was cautious and careful, and followed the rules

Searched for a good job, looked for a wife

Wanted a family, the so-called "good life"

But as I went down each one of these roads

For me, these things became too heavy a load

And the doubts that developed way deep down in me

Soon ended when a good friend said, "Set yourself free!"



Shake the dust off your sandals when you start every day

Don't worry about scandals that may come your way

Shake the dust off your sandals, just continue the grind

And fend off the vandals who play with your mind

Verse 2

So, I travelled through my life with this advice

Some days were awful, and some, they were nice

Sometimes I lost, and sometimes I won

Some days were work while others were fun

Some folks were mean; some, they were kind

Some, they had vision while the others were blind

Some were imprisoned; some, they were free

The free ones had listened to what my good friend told me


Instrumental Break

Verse 3

Now, as an old man, nearly eighty or so

I've started to place all my ducks in a row

Reflection has shown me that through the years

I've enjoyed some smiles, and I've coped with some tears

And I'm thankful that through life I took a stand

My soul did not submit to those in command

And I'm grateful for the guidance that my good friend gave me

I've listened to my heart, and it's kept me free

Chorus (Two Times)


Here is a link to the song on YouTube.  It’s an auto generated video created FOR YouTube by CD Baby, our distributor.  If an ad appears when the link opens, click to dismiss it, and the song will start.  Enjoy!

If you Prefer, you can stream this song on all the major platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Prime, etc.

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